@article{oai:shinonome.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000024, author = {岡田, 恵 and OKADA, Megumi and 加納, 章 and KANOU, Akira and 児嶋, 雅典 and KOJIMA, Masanori and 出原, 大 and IZUHARA, Dai}, month = {Mar}, note = {Training of childcare workers in rural areas cannot survive without building relationships with the local community. At Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, we have built a system based on Thursday study groups and childcare practical courses. There are two main reasons for this. One is to develop new students into useful human resources. The second is to improve local childcare practices. In this study, we will clarify the important role played by childcare training schools based on the case study of training sessions consisting of university teachers and on-site childcare workers.}, pages = {11--18}, title = {保育者養成校教員と実習園における保育者との協働のあり方 − 木曜研究会・保育実践講座による研究事例−}, volume = {55}, year = {2024} }